
Sir Lift Aloft was awarded his title by the Queen Bee, in honor of his work with the Pollinators Guild of America. His photography collection provides an intimate sampling of his most beloved flowers and friends.

Artist's Statement

I went to our local polling place, ready for my hum to be heard.

"I'd like to cast my vote." I said to the poll worker. She looked puzzled and said, "but you are a bird."

Yes, I'm an early bird, a feathered friend, a canary calling through the mines of the earth. Our pillaging of resources needs to end, it is long past time to acknowledge nature's worth.

In my pursuit of nectar, it has become clear to me that if I want to preserve what I love, if I want people to care, then I have to find a way to share.

With that, I invite you to Enter the Garden (and I won't chase you away).